Sub Occupation List

This page displays the list of sub-occupations under a specific occupation. You can explore detailed descriptions of each sub-occupation and navigate to salary data specific to that sub-occupation. Each sub-occupation is linked to its detailed salary and employment data, helping you understand the job market in more granular terms.

Explore various sub-occupations within broader occupational categories like Management, Healthcare, Engineering, and more. This structure allows for a detailed analysis of the workforce, enabling users to make informed decisions about career paths and compensation expectations.

# Description
1 Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors
2 Marriage and Family Therapists
3 Rehabilitation Counselors
4 Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors
5 Counselors, All Other
6 Child, Family, and School Social Workers
7 Healthcare Social Workers
8 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers
9 Social Workers, All Other
10 Health Education Specialists
11 Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists
12 Social and Human Service Assistants
13 Community Health Workers
14 Community and Social Service Specialists, All Other
15 Clergy
16 Directors, Religious Activities and Education
17 Religious Workers, All Other
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