Ownership List

Welcome to the Ownership List page. Here, you can explore different ownership types across the United States. Ownership types refer to the various categories under which businesses and entities are classified, such as federal, state, and local governments. Each ownership type has unique characteristics and salaries associated with it, which can provide valuable insights into the job market and salary trends.

Browse the list below to see the ownership types and click on any of them for more detailed information about their respective salary data and characteristics.

# Ownership Type
1 Federal Government
2 Federal, State, and Local Government
3 Federal, State, and Local Government and Private Sector
4 State Government
5 Private, State, and Local Government
6 Local Government
7 Private
8 Private, Local Government Gambling Establishments (Sector 71), and Local Government Casino Hotels (Sector 72)
9 Private plus State and Local Government Hospitals
10 Private and Postal Service
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