Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Salaries

Details of the Athletes and Sports Competitors under the Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations in Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Industry in the United States.

# Occupation Title Primary State Area Title Industry Total Employment Hourly Mean Annual Mean
1 Athletes and Sports Competitors US U.S. Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 14370 -1.0 338200.0
2 Athletes and Sports Competitors US U.S. Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries 13110 -1.0 363630.0
3 Athletes and Sports Competitors US U.S. Spectator Sports 12730 -1.0 370690.0
4 Athletes and Sports Competitors US U.S. Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events 310 -1.0 135270.0
5 Athletes and Sports Competitors US U.S. Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public Figures -1 -1.0 69700.0
6 Athletes and Sports Competitors US U.S. Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries 1250 -1.0 71870.0
7 Athletes and Sports Competitors US U.S. Other Amusement and Recreation Industries 1210 -1.0 68480.0
8 Athletes and Sports Competitors US U.S. Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers 190 -1.0 82750.0