Sub Occupation List

This page displays the list of sub-occupations under a specific occupation. You can explore detailed descriptions of each sub-occupation and navigate to salary data specific to that sub-occupation. Each sub-occupation is linked to its detailed salary and employment data, helping you understand the job market in more granular terms.

Explore various sub-occupations within broader occupational categories like Management, Healthcare, Engineering, and more. This structure allows for a detailed analysis of the workforce, enabling users to make informed decisions about career paths and compensation expectations.

# Description
1 Chief Executives
2 General and Operations Managers
3 Legislators
4 Advertising and Promotions Managers
5 Marketing Managers
6 Sales Managers
7 Public Relations Managers
8 Fundraising Managers
9 Administrative Services Managers
10 Facilities Managers
11 Computer and Information Systems Managers
12 Financial Managers
13 Industrial Production Managers
14 Purchasing Managers
15 Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers
16 Compensation and Benefits Managers
17 Human Resources Managers
18 Training and Development Managers
19 Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers
20 Construction Managers
21 Education and Childcare Administrators, Preschool and Daycare
22 Education Administrators, Kindergarten through Secondary
23 Education Administrators, Postsecondary
24 Education Administrators, All Other
25 Architectural and Engineering Managers
26 Food Service Managers
27 Gambling Managers
28 Entertainment and Recreation Managers, Except Gambling
29 Lodging Managers
30 Medical and Health Services Managers
31 Natural Sciences Managers
32 Postmasters and Mail Superintendents
33 Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers
34 Social and Community Service Managers
35 Emergency Management Directors
36 Funeral Home Managers
37 Personal Service Managers, All Other
38 Managers, All Other
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