Industry List

This page displays a list of industries related to a particular sub-occupation. Each industry is identified by its NAICS code, which provides a standardized classification for the various industries. By selecting an industry, you can explore the salary and employment data for different roles within that industry.

Industries vary widely across different sub-occupations, reflecting the broad scope of economic sectors in the USA. Whether you're interested in industries within healthcare, engineering, or information technology, this list provides easy access to detailed data that can help you understand the current job market and compensation trends.

# Industry Title
1 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
2 Management of Companies and Enterprises
3 Educational Services
4 Health Care and Social Assistance
5 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
6 Other Services (except Public Administration)
7 Federal, State, and Local Government, excluding State and Local Government Schools and Hospitals and the U.S. Postal Service (OEWS Designation)
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